Celebrating Our Veterans

Data Machines Corp. supports our nation’s military every day through the nature of our work solving mission-critical problems for the Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other government entities. This Veterans Day, we would like to honor and thank all veterans for their service to our country, including nine of our own. 

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“As Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, 20 percent of our team are veterans. DMC is based around a system of core values including integrity, diversity and inclusion, corporate citizenship, and an overall drive to do what is right,” said Burt Thompson, President of DMC. “We always strive to maintain the highest ethical standards and embrace diversity within our company and community. The intangible skills taught in the military mirror these attributes.”

Meet our DMC veterans below.

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Patrick Akuna, U.S. Army, Command Sergeant Major, 1985 – 2017

“The work that we do here at DMC in data science, analytics, and artificial intelligence helps to maintain our nation’s position as a leader in tech innovation. Supporting those who volunteer to serve our nation and to defend its values and beliefs is always a good thing. There is no greater honor than to stand that wall and defend the red, white, and blue from those who mean to do us harm.”


AJ Barron, U.S. Marine Corps, Captain, 1999 – 2008

“It sounds a little cliche, but I really did feel a calling to serve in the military starting in my 20s, which led me to joining the Marine Corps. My depth of love for this country only grew as I worked with amazing people who were all committed to defending our constitution and citizens. My time overseas reinforced how thankful I should be for our prosperity and freedoms. Knowing that DMC’s leadership shares this same orientation about our work for the DoD keeps me motivated and grateful for this career.”


Steven Billington, U.S. Army, Captain, 2013 – 2020

“The work I do at Data Machines feels like a natural extension from my military service. I get to work on extremely interesting defense-related projects, some of which I had lamented about just a few years prior! I know the work I do now will directly impact the warfighter, which definitely motivates me to do my best every day.”


Kent Laukhuf, U.S. Marine Corps, Sergeant, 2003 – 2007

"In this time of data- and AI-driven warfare, DMC has critical capabilities that can help ensure that those who put their lives on the line, every day, for our freedom, have the utmost chance of success. It's our duty to apply those capabilities in service to them."


Billy Poggi, U.S. Marine Corps, Captain, 2005 – 2013

“Serving with mission-focused people has always been one of the things I've enjoyed the most - working with a team.”

Nick Strocchia, U.S. Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel, 2002 – Present

“I joined Data Machines to be a part of an incredibly passionate and committed team which develop current and future platforms that deliver value to our nation’s defense. It’s been said that “AI is the new electricity” and it’s an exciting time to be on the frontlines of technology, delivering next-generation systems developed for operators, by operators.”


Burt Thompson, U.S. Army, Brigadier General, 1984 – 2015

“Data Machines Corp. values our military veterans, and we feel that the best way to honor our veterans is to hire one. Transitioning service members and their families represent an essential part of today’s multi-generational workforce, and we are eternally grateful for their service and selflessness. We have seen firsthand that veterans add unique value to our team, because they embody disciplined leadership, maturity, and unwavering loyalty to the pursuit of excellence in their personal and professional lives.” 


Eric Whyne, U.S. Marine Corps, Captain, 1999 – 2004

“U.S. military service is an honor and a sacrifice. We deeply respect and pray for everyone who gave of themselves to protect our freedoms and families.”

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Steve Wood, U.S. Army, Lieutenant Colonel, 1992 – 2015

“Data Machines is the kind of place you want to work after you leave the military. Why? It provides you with a sense of purpose and another chance to serve America - from healthcare to cutting-edge defense projects - all while surrounded by a team of dedicated people who want to do the right thing for themselves, the community, and our great nation.”

We work hard to support our troops, veterans, and country through philanthropy and our daily work by taking on complex problems in meaningful, mission-critical research with our qualified team of data scientists, engineers, and management staff. If you’re interested in joining our team, apply today.


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