Data Machines and NXGBCC: An Inside Look

Data Machines Corp. is currently developing the Next Generation Biometrics Collection Capability (NXGBCC), an evolutionary advancement in biometric identification, for the U.S. Army. This will be a biometric system to allow for multi-modal matching, which will dramatically enhance the accuracy of identification. 

Typically, companies that design these devices focus on a single biometric modality, such as face, fingerprint, or iris, requiring additional integrations to create a multi-modal system. This leads to expensive solutions that often provide a slow, inconvenient user experience with poor data interoperability.

DMC has designed a system that not only improves the user experience, but allows for a faster, more accurate biometric search with cloud-based, upstream data management. The DMC team is supervised by military veterans with in-field experience on current systems, providing a unique understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. This hands-on experience allows the team to improve the existing state of biometric technology within the NXGBCC program. Since beginning development in 2018, DMC has used human-centered design and iterative, agile concepts to bring the app to life. In late 2019, the system was field-tested by the Army and was chosen for further development. 

The biometric samples obtained from the NXGBCC system are sent to a cloud database in order to prevent unauthorized data collection. The system is capable of preventing malicious third parties from obtaining important data that could be used against our nation and its people. 

NXGBCC will provide new, innovative features to ensure its success in the field of national security, including:

  1. Training Mode: Allows for real-time, hands-on training, either in the field or in a controlled environment. 

  2. Data Collection and Search: Uses a cloud-based solution to search the biometric identity databases in order to provide additional information and increased accuracy. 

  3. Intelligent System Design: Can operate with multiple types of devices including a mobile kit, static kit, and local trusted source (LTS), allowing for flexibility in any setting. For example, one user could be in the field collecting data on a mobile device while another compiles and compares the data on a static device back at a base (in a connected environment). 

These innovative features promise a more reliable experience than ever before when collecting and comparing biometric data. DMC is on track to create a user-friendly cloud service to collaborate with a multitude of platforms and devices. Next steps include completing a second field test of the system and deploying complete systems within the next couple of years.


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